Hey Jr. high,
The past couple of weeks have been amazing! It has been such a blast getting to know you! I'm looking forward to hanging out when I get back from Belize. Pray for us as we share Christ with the people there.
Do me a favor, keep in mind what we talked about Wednesday night. Here's a couple a questions to think about. Do you believe that the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead really lives in you? If so, how has your life changed since the moment you excepted Christ? We have only begun our journey together and I can't wait to see what Jesus is going to do in us and through us!
Two more things:
1-Be nice to Adam while I'm gone! That cat loves you guys and you'll love this time of him teaching.
2-Cyp is handling all the Bible Alive stuff so get with her if you want to serve or have questions.
I'm looking forward to my mission trip, but I can't wait to get back to blow the rest of the summer out with you!
Peace out!