Sin #1 Build Wise

Hey Jr. high,
Your response to last nights talk on sin and the middle has been unbelievable! It seems that a lot of you want to take your spiritual maturity personally and start growing. If our enemy is like a lion, how long could a human infant make it in the jungle? Answer: NOT LONG! Its time for you to grow and run spiritually. I hope that you heard my heart as I was telling you of my "christian" experience. I do not want you to mistake your church attendance or activity as a real, living, intimate, relationship with Jesus. Don't get me wrong we need each other for many reasons teaching, community, accountability, etc, but we have to know Him personally. Remember Matthew 7:21-27. Remember that my mistake was building my house on sand which were all "good things" church, Bible clubs and studies, youth group, etc. Remember what happen to me when all of that fell apart! I didn't know how to answer Jesus when He asked "who do you say that I am" (Mark 8:29)? I knew what others were saying, but I didn't know Him personally. Satan loves for us to think everything is just alright. He does not want you to grow spiritually, and will slowly distract you using anything, even good things. He is subtle and sneaky. The zebra in the clip took a long time to die. Please contact me or any leader if you have any questions about Jesus and your relationship with Him.

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