Girls Unplugged

Hey Girls,
I want to remind all of you about Tuesday night the 10th. at my house. We will be have the girls unplugged evening.

What is unplugged? I will explain it like this... often when my computer, cable vision, wireless internet, isn't working quite right the advise I get from the support desk is to unplug the device to allow it to reset itself then plug it back in. Most of the time this works and improves the quality of my service. That's what I want to do with the Jr.high! Let's take an evening unplugg, talk, discuss,etc. and then plug our good ideas back in to make youth group even better.

We have talked a bunch lately as a group of ways to make us tighter as a youth group, but this is a chance for the girls to speak up! I need to hear it from your perspective.

I want to do everything I can to provide you with a safe and fun environment that we can all learn about Christ together. Sometimes youth groups can be a hardest place for students to feel apart and welcome. I want you to take ownership in making each other, as well as those who come and visit us feel at home. We will talk about ways we can make that happen!

We will have light snacks and drinks. I fire up a few candles and we will chill and talk.

Do me a favor and please come! This will only work if we are all in it together!!!

I love you girls!!!

Guys Unplugged is in two weeks Feb 24th.

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