Hey Girls,
We will hold our 3rd GIRLS NIGHT OUT - on the 6th of November as planned earlier, BUT
we'll move the time up 30 min. This will allow for those who want to support our home schoolers and their special event, to leave after an hour of being at our Bake/Cook NIGHT to travel over to the church. (The Fine Arts event will be from 7:00 to 8:00)
We will plan on eating some supper together, (for those that want to eat) have a table for missionary card writing, plus a devotion around 6:30 - then start cooking/baking.

Hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone too much, with the earlier time, but if you have to come right from work, we will have plenty to eat. We will plan on having tacos for our meal.

For those that can come - let me know what filling you want to bring for the tacos. The meat is taken care of. I hope to speak to a few of the older (jr. & sr. girls) students to see if they will help with the cooking/baking and see if they have ideas of what they would like to learn. If anyone has an idea of what they would like to teach the girls, let me know about that too.

HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL - Thursday, November 6th at 6:00 to 8:00 at Holly's home, 1416 Creamoor Lane, (Queensferry Subdivision)

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