Facebook caution!

Hey Crew,

I wanted to let you know about a Facebook virus going around. I was sent a message from a good friend of mine Warren Mainard (youth pastor at cornerstone). Most of you know him and know that he is an awesome guy. Long story short he received this Facebook virus today from a friend and it captured some his friends which sent it to me, and then to my friends etc, etc... and so the virus spreads. The virus will show me or whoever sent it as commenting on photo or video. The virus then ask you to go to some random dot com site. If you click on that site your computer could be exposed to a virus.

I think Facebook is a fun site. It does a great job at keeping things on the up and up, but unfortunately these hackers are every where.

Bottom line is if you have a Facebook account and receive any message from me or Warren asking you to go to an external site to view photos or videos DON'T OPEN IT!

Be safe!

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