Bowling Tuesday 30th 5-7
Hey Crew,
Whaaat's up? I think because of the e-mail mess-ups we haven't had enough responses for the scavenger hunt tomorrow, but I promise we will try do it sometime in January.
We will go bowling tomorrow at Southgate Bowling Center tomorrow Tuesday 30th. from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. You will need to bring money for shoes and games.
I hope you can come! Respond to this blog by email if you can to let me know if you plan come.
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Hey Crew,
Have you ever been on your phone and be running your mouth on and on only to find out that your call had been dropped a few minutes earlier? I kinda feel like that's what been happening for the last couple of months with my emails. I've been sending and sending, but you ain't been receiving. Somehow my email account has not been sending out the emails I have written you. This is real frustrating for me because I send about three a week. I've sent 14 this month alone.
I lot of you have missed events because of this communication meltdown and I'm sorry for that. I hope that I have it resolved!
If you don't receive at least one email a week from me PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know so I can check it out! I rely on emails to communicate with nearly a hundred of you, so it's very, very important!
Please make it a habit to check the blog site. Here's the link, save it in your list of favorites I update this with all our events, pic's, lessons, thought's, video, etc. If you check this regularly you should always be up to speed on happenings and changes. Go check it out right now if you haven't in a while and see what you've missed.
Hope we're back on track!
God with us! Wow!!!
Merry CHRISTmas Crew,
What a special day! The God of all creation born as a baby! A King born for all men, from the lowest of men to the highest if kings. He is God with us! God's pure light! If you know Him He actually lives in you! He gives you life! Your alive and your never gonna stop living!
Celebrate Him today, I Love You!
Here's some CHRISTmas trivia for ya.
The three "wise students" to answer this will receive a free Chic-fil-a sandwich!
***Finish the words to this DC Talk song... "People say I'm strange does that make me a stranger....."
Facebook caution!
Hey Crew,
I wanted to let you know about a Facebook virus going around. I was sent a message from a good friend of mine Warren Mainard (youth pastor at cornerstone). Most of you know him and know that he is an awesome guy. Long story short he received this Facebook virus today from a friend and it captured some his friends which sent it to me, and then to my friends etc, etc... and so the virus spreads. The virus will show me or whoever sent it as commenting on photo or video. The virus then ask you to go to some random dot com site. If you click on that site your computer could be exposed to a virus.
I think Facebook is a fun site. It does a great job at keeping things on the up and up, but unfortunately these hackers are every where.
Bottom line is if you have a Facebook account and receive any message from me or Warren asking you to go to an external site to view photos or videos DON'T OPEN IT!
Be safe!
It's beginning to feel a lot like spring break
It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTmas, but it feels a lot like spring! We got a little chill today, but that want last. Just because it's warm doesn't make this time of year any less special!
Here's a challenge for you. Read the CHRISTmas story in either Matthew or Luke and try to find something in the story that you never have thought of before. It's the Greatest Story Ever Told! Spend a few minutes this year reading it!
Merry CHRISTmas everyone!
P.S. Never abbreviate Christmas by using Xmas... that crosses Christ out of Christmas. Instead reverse it and capitalize the CHRIST in CHRISTmas!
CHRISTmas party pic's
The Fight Before Christmas
CHRISTmas Party
J-Crew Christmas Party
When: this Sunday Dec 14th.
Time: 2:00 till 4:00.
Where: Trenton's house- Take Hoffmeyer Road to Windsor Forest Drive, Left onto Ascot Drive, on Left
hand side # 2516 Ascot Drive 629-1158 home phone.
What to Bring: A snack to share and a gift for the White Elephant exchange (approx $10.00).
What to Wear: Dress as your favorite character! Get creative.... think of all the Christmas characters in the movies or own TV. There will be a cool prize for the best dressed!
Merry CHRISTmas!
P.S. Remember the "Fight before Christmas" play at 7:00 Saturday night at the church! That is what this picture is from.
Lift High
This is an amazing worship song and one of my favorites!
This particular version is sung by Steve Fee. He is a great worship leader, but I think the song is best sung by the guy who wrote it.
If you like it check out Eddie Kirkland on itunes. The songs name is "Lift High" on his album Orthodoxy.
Lift Him High!
Hey Yall!!!!
My Dear Friends...
I am going to write you a list.
What I miss about you:
1. Your craziness
2. Your passion for life
3. Your laughter
4. Our Memories
5. Everyone making fun of my laugh
6. Blake ruining my jokes with the answer (you always know!)
7. YOU!
I wanted to write and share some things with you about my new life now in Summerville, SC.
I am getting married in 4 months... which is crazy because last year at this point many of you wanted to help me find a husband but the good news is I got one on my own! :) haha... anyways, with this new season of my life I have been learning what it means to trust God. I am away from my friends (you), my family (Tim and Tommy), and my church. With everyone I love, except for Mark, being in Florence, my relationship with Christ has gotten much more real. There are real feelings of hurt, confusion, anxiety, worry, love, and friendship - all of which I have felt before in my relationship but now everything is magnified.
I just want to continue to challenge you to be real in your relationship with Christ. You don't have to worry about hiding something from him well because he is God and he knows. Talk to him (pray) and listen to what he's saying. He's saying a lot and when you don't think he's saying anything remember the word he gave to you (the bible).
Anyways, I am off to eat dinner after a long day at work... I miss you and love y'all sooooo much.
Cyprian :)
It's ladies night again
7TH - 12TH
THURSDAY - Dec. 4th
TIME: 6:30 - 8:30
1416 Creamoor Ln.
(located in Queensferry)
661-7124 or 230-7124
call for directions or questions
(Church Christmas decorating Dec. 6-Saturday at 9:00 AM
Girls Community Outreach in Feb. ‘09)
Get ready for ‘GIRLS NIGHT’ OF ZUMBA
JAN 8!!!
Hey guy's why should the ladies have all the fun COMING IN JANUARY "Dudes Night Out".
Thank God for friends
Our Father
"Our Father in Heaven hallowed be your name"
It's amazing that we get to sit at the feet of God the Father because of Jesus and pray to Him. Remember we get to speak freely to the Father, but we should always do so with a respect and awe of who He is.
"Our Father" He is not just my father or your Father, the prayer does not begin with "My Father" it's our. He is the creator of all we are all apart of the family of God! We all share one heavenly Father.
"Hallowed be your name" Think about the passage we read in Isaiah 6 and how he described the throne of God. Jesus is your friend and wants to be apart of every aspect of your life, BUT He is not your homeboy! He is God so give Him the proper place in your life. The prayer says "hallowed" is the name of God! How many of your friends have a hallowed name? There is only one God and one hallowed name and that's the name of our incredible creator! Hallowed is the name of the Father, Son and Spirit!
Spend some time talking and listening to God BECAUSE you can!!!!!!
It's gonna be a great journey studying prayer! We will continue to look at the precious prayer of our Lord Jesus and in the process we will learn as much as we can about prayer.
The Lord's Prayer is in Matthew 6:5-15
I love you!
**these are thoughts from Bible study 11/19/08
Hail Adam!!!
It was very strange for me after less than a week being here in Germany to miss all of yall. I think it is because I cannot see you or talk to you because we are so far from each other. It was hard for me to admit it to myself that I missed you guys and gals after such a short time. 'sniffle'
Jennifer has been kind enough to send me some pictures from Walk-On. This looked like a fun time. And maybe some parts 'stunk'...bc of some tall gas filled girl...hmmm, who could that be?
So, is cold. I wear two pairs of pants every day. The Germans think this is funny...I don't.
It has been amazing to be in Germany as a non-german speaking American. The German teenagers here learn English all through out school so I have had many conversations with them. I have met up with old friends and made many new friends. None of this would have any meaning without Christ being the center of it all. I was in a bible study with Romanians, Polish, American, and Germans all in one room. This really showed the unity that Christ offers to the world.
So, I have had a couple of accidents on this trip. I fell down the stairs a couple of days ago. The bruise wil l be big one day then gone the next, then back the next day...this is bad. I fell off my bike in a very public city street. I had a bruise on my butt20bigger than my fist. Then I managed to erase everything off my Ipod. So take this as a lesson. You dont have to be perfect to have God use you...This should give hope to alot of you...ALOT OF YOU...
So anyway, Email me!
Love(most of you)
PS: Hmm...can everyone punch Christopher Dean if you see him?
Wednesday night was very cool for me! I hope it was for you too!
We talked about prayer and what it meant to talk and listen to God. Have you ever noticed that a lot of time when we pray it's a BIG long list of thank you's? God thanks for this and thanks for that and thanks that we could come to you and say thank you! Who talks like that? That's not how we communicate with each other so why would we talk to God like that? Don't get me wrong we need to thank God every day for all He has done for us mainly Jesus, BUT we can't limit ourselves to a quick thank you check off list!
Try the challenge: Pray and only allow yourself one thank you, learn to use other words to express your heart the the Lord. Be honest with Him, remember anything else is just acting. He can see right through it! You may fool me, but you can't full the One who knows you best!
What does it mean to listen to God? Wow, that's tough! You only hear His voice through His word! Get it in your heart, mind, life, and voice will begin to become clear!
Jesus can't wait to talk to you! He knows your heart know matter what words you use, but begin to speak clearly and from your heart. Be honest with Him and enjoy your time with Him!
What is better than hanging out and talking with the creator!
We will be studying this for the next several weeks!
I Love you!
***The first three people who can email me a passage of Scripture about prayer wins a free Chic-fil-a sandwich! You can't use the Lord's Prayer.
Paintball & Work Day
Hey Crew,
Here's the deal we are going to meet at Atlantic Paintball (formally Duck-n-Dive) at 11:30 and play until 3:00!
Where: Atlantic Paintball, from the church go through the light at South Florence- take the next right onto Paul Jones Rd. it's less than a mile down on your right.
Time: 11:30 till 3:00
Cost: at least $20.00 that will include gun, mask, and first can of C02.
The paint can get expensive so if you plan on playing every round and shooting a lot of paint BRING MORE MONEY. I end up have to foot the bill at the end of the day usually so come with enough money.
It's a blast and worth it!
All are invited (even girls), parents, friends, grandma, etc.!
This is paintball YOU WILL GET SHOT !!!
I would love for all / everyone that is going to play if possible to meet me at the church at 9:00 am to help with the Work Day! I will get you a ride to paintball from the church!
Please try to make it to this!
Hey Girls,
We will hold our 3rd GIRLS NIGHT OUT - on the 6th of November as planned earlier, BUT
we'll move the time up 30 min. This will allow for those who want to support our home schoolers and their special event, to leave after an hour of being at our Bake/Cook NIGHT to travel over to the church. (The Fine Arts event will be from 7:00 to 8:00)
We will plan on eating some supper together, (for those that want to eat) have a table for missionary card writing, plus a devotion around 6:30 - then start cooking/baking.
Hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone too much, with the earlier time, but if you have to come right from work, we will have plenty to eat. We will plan on having tacos for our meal.
For those that can come - let me know what filling you want to bring for the tacos. The meat is taken care of. I hope to speak to a few of the older (jr. & sr. girls) students to see if they will help with the cooking/baking and see if they have ideas of what they would like to learn. If anyone has an idea of what they would like to teach the girls, let me know about that too.
HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL - Thursday, November 6th at 6:00 to 8:00 at Holly's home, 1416 Creamoor Lane, (Queensferry Subdivision)
Halloween Bash
Hey Crew,
I'm joining up with Sullivan Norris tomorrow night for a HALLOWEEN BASH!
You are invited to stop by if you would like.
Here's the info:
Time: 7:00 till 10:00
Place: 1031 West Hill Dr. I don't have specific driving instructions, but a hint is drive to the very end of Poinsett Dr. and take a left I think it's the next road on your right.
You don't need to know much more than that.
Try to come if you can!
I will give a free Chic-fila sandwich to the first one who emails me back the correct answer to this Halloween triva question.
What's the name of the cartoon character who only got rocks when he went Trick or treating?
Q & A night
You don't want to miss this Wednesday night! It's Question & Answer night.
This has been a special evening in the Jr. high for several years now. You are allowed to bring any questions you may have to youth group for discussion. We will try to answer it, but chances are we want know how to answer all of them. That's one of the cool things about this night, if we can't answer a question we get to explore the scriptures together to find the answer. Remember there is no stupid question and I hope no stupid answers.
Do you remember this Miss South Carolina's answer during the Miss USA padget?
Question:?Why one-fifth of Americans cannot locate the United States on a map??
Answer:?I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uhmmm, some people out there in our nation don?t have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the US should help the US, uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.?
I hope you will find better answers than this!
Love ya!
Ready to fly?
Hey Crew,
Wednesday night was a special time. You all have amazed me on how your tracking with the Bible studies on Wednesday evenings. I have had a chance to read through a few of surveys you took and want to thank ya'll for your honesty.
I want each of you to consider the questions I put before you months ago: What is the gospel? Who is Jesus and what should our response be to both of them? Last night our attention began to focus on what should our response be to Jesus and the gospel. Remember when Jesus asked the disciples "who do you say that I am?" He had already ask them about what everyone else was saying, but then made it very personal. Who do YOU say Jesus is? Do you answer like Peter and claim Him as the Christ and Lord of your life or are you still just going on what everyone else says?
Do you remember the story about the seagull with the broke wing? It was made to fly!!! What is a good is bird that can't fly? It was a sad sight watching that bird try to keep up and be like the other birds, but without it's wings it was so limited in it's ability to move. We discussed last night how we as christians limit ourselves to living a life in Christ to just a few hours a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. Jesus has so much life to give you! He gives us His very Spirit to live in us and to fill us with all His joy. We were meant to live for sooooo much more than we often settle for. Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to be the person He created you to be? He has created you to be fully alive in Him and life in Him will amaze you!
Next Wednesday night will be (for a lot of you your first) Question and Answer night. Bring any question you may have about Jesus, christianity, God, Bible, etc. and we will discuss them together!
I've included a photo of the seagull, but couldn't get the video to upload. I'll show it to you at YG!
Think about it,
I Love You!
Walk of the best ever!
Hey Crew,
This past weekend was sooooo much fun! The crew that went were amazing! I have never been a part of a youth trip where everyone treated each other so good. We painted feet and canvas, played Rock Band, played in cold flood waters (well Julie rolled), walked on beach, chased crabs, were entertained by the "Great Swamee", found freaky looking leaders in the mall, danced, had a wacky talent show that included stomach rolls, singing.... the weekend list goes on and on!
We had some good talks about Jesus. I got to hear some of your favorite stories about Jesus. You got to spend some time with Him alone on the beach and thats always special. Remember our verse 1 John 2:6 "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did."
Thank you all for making it a great time!
***Check out a few of the pics & vids below!
Walk on info
Hey Crew,
Walk On Weekend is here and this is all the info you will need.
Packing List
*Clothes- Remember this time of year it’s warm in the morning, but gets cool at night.
*Sleeping bag and pillow
*Bathing suit
*Towels / wash clothes
*Money- Dinner Saturday night, there may be arcade games, snack machines (we will have plenty of snacks), etc. That is up to you. $10.00 at most should cover necessity, but not extras.
We will meet at the church at 4:00pm Friday.
We will return around 2:00pm on Sunday.
Contact info.
Tommy Bolger (*new number) 843-478-1612
Tim Sugg 229-8185
Eddie and Tina Lane 260-8963 & 260-8949
If you have any other questions call me!
This is gonna be a blast!!!
Girls Night Zumba
WHERE: the LAING"S home - 1512 Poinsett Dr.
HOLLY HOFFART 661-7124 OR 230-7124
Walk On Early Bird Special
Hey Crew,
It's almost here! You don't want to miss it!
October 17th.-19th.
Early Bird sign up is now thru Oct. 5th. if sign up now the cost is $75.00. After the 5th. the cost is 85.00. The spots are limited!
This is the first retreat for a lot of you and I really hope you can make it! We are going to have an absolute blast!
I will have more details Wednesday night.
Love Ya!
Fall schedule
CAS J-Crew
Fall 2008
14th. Common Thread
18th. Girls Night Out
5th. Common Thread
17th.-19th. Walk On Weekend
2nd. Fall Break No Bible study
2nd. Common Thread
7th. Paintball
26th.-30th. Thanx Break
30th. No Bible Study
7th. Common Thread
12th. Dinner / Underground
14th. Christmas Party
18th.-Jan 6th. Christmas Break
28th. No Bible Study
There are several other things that maybe added! Keep checking this site for updates.
Girls Night
located on Celebration Blvd
September 18th, Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 pm
RSVP: Holly Hoffart by September 11th to
sign up! call me at 661-7124 or 230-7124
You may paint or come as a non painter too!
Prices range from $12.00 on up! Depends on what
you buy to paint.
I use to own this place! You'll have a great time!
Carried to the table
I can't wait to worship Jesus tomorrow night at the Leeland concert!!! Please take a few minutes to reflect on the words of this song by them. It's the story of Mephibosheth, a man blessed by David in Second Samuel and it's also our story!
It's my favorite Leeland song!
I Love You!
Awana needs you!
Our AWANA program needs YOU!!!!
If you have a heart for God's Word and kids, we need your help!! We are looking for youth to listen to the children recite their verses. Also, if you like younger children, we are looking for helpers in the 3 year old and 4 year old Cubbies class. AWANA begins next Sunday, September 14 from 4:30 - 6:30. Please prayerfully consider making this commitment this year. You will be a blessing to the children. His Word NEVER returns void!!
Contact Mrs. Nancy Kennebeck if you wish to serve. My email is
Thermostat or Themometer
Hey People,
Back to school, for me and you! I guess that's life. We were super blessed to have one of my best friends, and an elder of our church, Jim Shorter speak to us tonight. The challenge from 1st Thessalonians 1 was put out there for us. Jim stressed the importance of staying grounded in God's word. He explained that it would transform our hearts and minds and that would change the way we treat the world and each other. I loved the thermostat and thermometer anaolgy. Which will you be? Will you be one that is effect by the negative tempature of those around you or will you be the one to sets the positive spiritual temputure of the ones your around? Let's take the challenge this school year to stay close to Jesus by letting Him speak to us through His word. The power of that will change your life and those around you!
Love you!
Survivor 2008
Arrrrr Jcrew,
This year Survivor aka Pirates Cove is in the history books and it was an incredible time. The weather was amazing, I was actually cold at night. The old Survivor saying is"out wit, out last, and out play" well the purple team was successful at all three, especially the out wit part. I'll tell you the stories later. We all came home tired, bumped, bruised and so orange from the clay we looked like Ompa Lumpas.
Summer 2008 is full of great memories for me and you are the reason why! God has blessed me with you!
Chill out this week!
Go jump in a lake
It was another awesome day hanging out with the coolest people in the world! The lake was so much fun. We packed the day with riding the "tube", the "hot dog", skies, wake boards, swimming, food, chillin with friends, etc. man it just don't get much better than that! This has been an incredible summer with you. We have so many good times ahead and I can't wait. Be sure to tell Mr. Bobby Russell thanks when you see him. He was so cool to us today!
This band will lead you is AMAZING WORSHIP! They have a style all to themselves! You may have heard the songs "You've Stolen my Heart" or "Tears of the Saints" You can listen to them on or on their website . I will have tickets for sale at the group price of $10.00 for Sandhurst members. See me asap we expect this to sell out!
Love ya!
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